Year 1
Curriculum Newsletters
Year 1 enjoyed learning that it is always good to talk when you have a problem. This was linked to Safer Internet Day 2023.

Year 1 were learning about the weather and signs of Winter.

In Geography, Year 1 have been learning about maps. We have learnt about our local area, and what we can see when looking at maps of Portsmouth. We have created our own maps of the school grounds, making sure we think about what we need to include. We drew the playground, huts, climbing frame and more!

Year 1 have been learning about God's Creation. We have been thinking about what is good and bad when caring for God's Creation. We went litter picking to show a good way we can care for God's Creation.

On National Coding Day, Year 1 learnt how to create and control an avatar through code, using the iPads. We learnt how to connect different parts of code together to make our character move.

In Maths, Year 1 have been learning about wholes and parts. We learnt that a whole is the whole number, and we can separate this into parts. Using our addition skills, we have added parts together to find the whole, using a part-part-whole model. |
Year 1 have been learning different skills within our PE lessons. We became pirates aboard the ship 'The Scoundrel' and have sailed the seas, learning new movements, balances and rolls. We have been working in groups to work as a team and communicate with each other.

In Year 1, we have been learning about Firework Safety. We learnt about Bonfire Night, and what we need to remember to keep safe with fireworks. We have been thinking about why it is important to stay safe and listen carefully to adults. We then made our own firework art using chalks, crayons and oil pastels. We used swirls, lines, dots and spirals to create our firework display art.
On Puzzle Day, Year 1 learnt about different shapes, learning about a new shape, the 'parallelogram'. We then got given some different pictures using the shapes, and in groups we had to problem solve, and match our shapes to the picture. Sometimes it was tricky, but we worked as a team to solve it together!